120+ Army Pick Up Lines [Bad, Clean, Best]

If you’re wondering how you can catch the attention of someone who is serving in the army, or how you can make your military friends smile?

Well, using army pick-up lines might just be the secret weapon you need! These lines are funny, clever, they’re a great way to break the ice and show your appreciation for their bravery. 

Whether you’re trying to impress someone in uniform or just want to have a good laugh with your friends, these pick-up lines are sure to do the trick. 

Army Pick Up Lines

Army Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my heart standing at attention.”

2. “I must be on a mission, because it’s my objective to win your heart.”

3. “If love is a battlefield, I’d brave any fight to win you over.”

4. “You must be the reason the Army values loyalty; I’m loyal to you from the start.”

5. “Is your name Victory? Because you’ve won my heart without a fight.”

6. “I’d march a thousand miles just to see your smile.”

7. “Consider my heart your base; you’ve got permanent quarters here.”

8. “I’m on active duty 24/7, especially when it comes to loving you.”

9. “Are you camouflage? Because I can’t find a way to keep you out of my thoughts.”

10. “Just like an Army of one, it’s you and me against the world.”

11. “I’d never need an SOS signal, as long as I have you.”

12. “If hearts were battlefields, you’d have complete dominance over mine.”

13. “I’d salute to your beauty any day.”

14. “Are you a general? Because you just took command of my heart.”

15. “I’d willingly go to boot camp a hundred times if it meant I could be with you.”

16. “My love for you is like a duty call; I’ll always answer.”

17. “You must be a sniper because you’ve hit me right in the heart from a distance.”

18. “If you’re looking for a hero, I’d volunteer to be yours.”

19. “I’m ready to be deployed to your heart.”

20. “Just like a well-executed operation, we could be perfect together.”

21. “Are you classified intel? Because you’re all I want to uncover.”

22. “Is it basic training, or does my heart race every time I see you?”

23. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I march by again?”

24. “I’d conquer any obstacle course to get to you.”

25. “Is your love a restricted area? Because I’m ready to breach for it.”

26. “Standing next to you, I feel like I’ve been awarded the Medal of Honor.”

27. “I’d cross any line of fire to get to your heart.”

28. “You make my discipline and resilience feel like the greatest victory.”

29. “As long as I have you, I’m always at ease.”

Clean Military Pick Up Lines

1. “Is it hot out here, or is it just the afterburn from your jet?”

2. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again, lieutenant style?”

3. “Excuse me, but I think you’ve got my heart under siege.”

4. “I must be lost, because I’ve just stumbled into the beauty sector.”

5. “I’m not a pilot, but I’d love to soar through the skies with you.”

6. “Is your name Victory? Because you’ve won my heart.”

7. “Just like a well-executed drill, I can’t get you out of my head.”

8. “Are you a sniper? Because you’ve just taken my breath away.”

9. “Do you know CPR? Because you just stopped my heart.”

10. “I’m on a mission, and my objective is to win your heart.”

11. “If you were a target, I’d miss on purpose, just to spend more time with you.”

12. “I’m not a sailor, but I’d definitely set sail on the ocean of your eyes.”

13. “Do you have a compass? Because I find myself drawn to you.”

14. “Are you made of camouflage? Because I can’t seem to see anything but you.”

15. “Do you need a pilot? Because I’m ready to fly you to the stars.”

16. “I must be a soldier, because I’d fight for your love.”

17. “Is your dad a general? Because you’ve got my heart standing at attention.”

18. “I’d cross enemy lines just to get a date with you.”

19. “Are you a grenade? Because I’m blown away by you.”

20. “If love is a battlefield, I’m ready to go to war for you.”

21. “I’m not into war games, but I’d enlist just to stand by your side.”

22. “Do you believe in fate? Because it feels like our hearts are allies.”

23. “I may not be a drone, but I’m hovering around because you’ve captivated me.”

24. “Is it basic training, or does your smile just have me doing laps around my heart?”

25. “I’m ready to be your soldier, if you’ll be my commanding officer.”

26. “Are you a secret mission? Because I’d do anything to be chosen for you.”

27. “You must be a sharpshooter, because you’ve hit me right in the heart.”

28. “I don’t need night vision to see that you’re all I’ve been looking for.”

29. “Is this the mess hall, or did your smile just nourish my soul?”

Bad Military Pick Up Lines

1. “If I told you, you had a nice barracks, would you hold it against me?”

2. “Is that a MRE in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

3. “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I march by again?”

4. “I must be lost because I thought paradise was further south.”

5. “Can I follow you home? My GPS broke and I’m supposed to report to your heart.”

6. “Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my heart standing at attention.”

7. “I’d go AWOL just to spend one night with you.”

8. “I may not be a private contractor, but I’d sure like to work on your heart.”

9. “If kisses were C-4, you’d be a demolition expert.”

10. “Do you mind if I call you Google? Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.”

11. “Are you camouflage? Because I can see you in my arms already.”

12. “You must be a high-value target because I can’t stop tailing you.”

13. “If love were a battlefield, I’d go to war for you.”

14. “You’re the reason we need a ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy – because I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

15. “I’d endure a million PT tests just to get a date with you.”

16. “Are you a sniper? Because you’ve hit me right in the heart.”

17. “You must be an EOD expert because you just diffused my heart.”

18. “Did it hurt when you fell from a Blackhawk? Because you’ve parachuted straight into my life.”

19. “You must be on special recon because you’ve found a way into my heart.”

20. “Is this the mess hall? Because I see the meal I want right in front of me.”

21. “You must be a stealth bomber because you’ve flown under my radar and directly into my heart.”

22. “Do you have security clearance? Because I’m about to make my mission parameters open to you.”

23. “You’re like the perfect operation plan – you’ve got my heart executing a full-scale invasion.”

24. “Are you a medic? Because my heart skips a beat every time I see you.”

25. “I’m on a mission, and it looks like you’re the objective.”

26. “You must be an intel officer because you knew exactly how to win my heart.”

27. “Are you a deserter? Because you’ve just stolen my heart and left.”

Army Pick Up Lines For Him

1. Is your uniform made of boyfriend material, or is it just you making it look that way?

2. Are you a drill sergeant? Because you have my heart standing at attention.

3. If you were a mission brief, I’d pay full attention to every detail.

4. Can I be your private? Because I’m ready to follow your commands.

5. I must be marching because every time I see you, my heart beats in step.

6. Is it basic training, or does my heart just race whenever I see you?

7. You must be a high-value target because I can’t stop pursuing you.

8. If love were a battlefield, I’d brave any fight to win your heart.

9. Are you a tactical plan? Because I want to follow you everywhere.

10. Were you issued a rifle? Because you just shot me with Cupid’s arrow.

11. You don’t need to call for reinforcements; I’m here to capture your heart.

12. Is your name Victory? Because you’ve won my heart without a fight.

13. Do you have dog tags? Because I’m ready to claim you.

14. Are we on a covert mission? Because my feelings for you have been undercover.

15. You must be an expert marksman, aiming straight for my heart.

16. Can I be your battle buddy? I promise to protect your heart.

17. You must be camouflage, because when I’m with you, the rest of the world disappears.

18. Are you a mortar? Because you’ve just launched into my heart.

19. Is this a debrief, or are you just naturally good at making me fall for you?

20. You must be a soldier because you’ve just taken control of my heart’s base.

21. If you were an order, I’d follow you without question.

22. Are we on patrol together? Because I’d go anywhere with you.

23. Is your love a war zone? Because I’m ready to invade.

24. Do you work in logistics? Because you’re expertly handling my heart.

25. Are you a part of the Special Forces? Because capturing my attention was a special operation.

26. Can I enlist in your heart? I promise to serve with devotion.

27. Is this boot camp? Because my heart’s been doing push-ups since I met you.

28. You must be on a mission, because I feel like I’ve been preparing for you all my life.

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