99+ Best Ghost Pick Up Lines [Funny, Cute]

Imagine you’re at a Halloween party or just hanging out with friends, telling spooky stories, and you want to break the ice with some funny lines. 

Why not use ghost-themed pick-up lines? These are light-hearted jokes that play on ghost stories and Halloween themes to make people laugh and feel more comfortable around you. 

It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m friendly and fun, just like a friendly ghost!”

Ghost Pick Up Lines

Ghost Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you a ghost? Because you’ve been haunting my dreams.”

2. “I must be a poltergeist because I can’t stop moving things… towards my heart for you.”

3.”If you’re looking for something boo-tiful, you don’t have to look any further.”

4. “Do you have a map? I got lost in the haunting beauty of your eyes.”

5. “I don’t need a Ouija board to know you’re my spirit.”

6. “Is it getting cold in here, or are you just giving me the chills?”

7. “You must be made of ectoplasm because I find myself drawn to your spirit.”

8. “If we were ghosts, I’d definitely be your boo.”

9. “Are you a haunted house? Because my heart races whenever I’m near you.”

10. “Do you believe in love at first fright or do I need to walk by again?”

11. “I was going to call a ghost hunter, but then I realized I’m just chasing you.”

12. “You’re like a phantom; I can’t get you out of my head no matter how hard I try.”

13. “Can I follow you home? Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams, even if they float through walls.”

14. “You must be a ghost light, because you guide me in the darkest of times.”

15. “I don’t need EVP to hear you say you love me.”

16. “Our love is like a haunting, it never dies.”

17. “Do you have a phantom punch? Because you’ve knocked me off my feet.”

18. “Excuse me, but I think you dropped something: my jaw… and it ghosted away with you.”

19. “If we were both ghosts, I’d never stop boo-ing you with my love.”

20. “I would cross dimensions to find you if I was a ghost.”

21. “Are you a spirit? Because every time I look into your eyes, I feel transported to another world.”

22. “I must be a ghost detective because I’ve been searching for you my whole afterlife.”

23. “You must be ectoplasmic because touching you sends shivers down my spine.”

24. “Do you have a haunting habit? Because I’m possessed by thoughts of you.”

25. “If love is a haunt, I volunteer as tribute to be haunted by you forever.”

26. “Was your dad a ghost? Because someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.”

27. “I don’t want to spook you, but I see a beautiful future together.”

28. “You must be a poltergeist because you’ve thrown my world into beautiful chaos.”

29. “Is it a full moon? Because I’m howling for your love.”

30. “I was looking for a sign from the other side, and then I saw you.”

31. “You’re the missing piece to my ghostly puzzle.”

32. “Being with you feels like a never-ending séance, and I never want it to end.”

33. “I must have done something right in my past life to be able to find you in this one.”

34. “You’re not just my boo, you’re my forever haunting partner.”

35. “I don’t need a medium to talk to you, I just need your love.”

36. “If love is a ghost story, you’re my happily ever after.”

37. “Every time I see you, it’s like coming home to the comfort of a familiar ghost.”

38. “I never believed in ghosts until I met you and felt the warmth of your love.”

39. “You’re not just my soulmate, you’re my spirit mate too.”

40. “If our love was a ghost, it would be the kind that stays around forever.”

41. “I don’t need to haunt houses when I have you to haunt my heart.”

42. “Our love is like a ghostly apparition, always there even when we can’t see it.”

43. “I never knew what true love was until I found you haunting my heart.”

44. “They say ghosts are just energy, and I feel your energy every time I’m with you.”

45. “You may be a ghost to some, but to me, you’re everything.”

46. “I may not be able to touch you, but I can always feel your love surrounding me.”

47. “You’re the ghost that never leaves my side, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

48. “I never believed in fate until I met you, my ghostly soulmate.”

49. “Even when life gets tough, our love remains like a haunting melody in my heart.”

50. “They say ghosts are just echoes of the past, but our love is a constant presence that will never fade.”

Funny Ghost Pick Up Lines

Ghost Pick Up Lines

1. “Are you a ghost? Because every time I think about you, my heart haunts me.”

2. “If you were a ghost, you’d still be my boo.”

3. “Do you believe in love at first fright or do I need to haunt you again?”

4. “You must be a poltergeist because you’ve thrown my heart all over the place.”

5. “Are we in a haunted house? Because my heart is racing.”

6. “You must be made of ectoplasm because you’ve seeped right into my heart.”

7. “If you’re a ghost, then call me Casper because I’m friendly and ready to be your forever friend.”

8. “I must be a ghost hunter because I’m looking for something special in the paranormal.”

9. “If kisses were ghosts, I’d send a whole haunting your way.”

10. “You look so good, it’s spooky.”

11. “Is it just me or did it just get supernaturally hot in here?”

12. “I don’t need a ghost detector to find something supernatural about you.”

13. “Our love could be the stuff of legends, like a famous haunting.”

14. “Are you a phantom? Because you’ve just taken my breath away.”

15. “You must be a friendly ghost, because you’ve got me wanting to say ‘Hi!'”

16. “If I were a ghost, I’d want you to be my haunted house.”

17. “You’ve got me feeling like a lost soul drawn to the light.”

18. “I was going to be a ghost for Halloween, but being with you is the only thing I’m after.”

19. “Are you a ghost? Because I see right through to your amazing soul.”

20. “My love for you is like a haunting, it’ll go on forever.”

21. “Is your name Casper? Because you sure have got me friendly ghosted.”

22. “I must be in a cemetery because my heart stops when I see you.”

23. “Are you made of ectoplasm? Because I find you a-ghost-olutely stunning.”

24. “Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your haunted eyes.”

25. “You must be the reason for all the haunted houses, because you’ve got spirits lifting.”

26. “You’re the treat in my trick or treat.”

27. “Were you a witch in a past life? Because you’ve cast a spell over my heart.”

28. “Do you have a ghostly guardian? Because someone has to watch over an angel like you.”

29. “If you’re looking for spirits, I know a good bar.”

30. “Have you been haunting this place long? Because I’ve never seen anything as remarkable as you here before.”

Cute Ghost Pick Up Lines

Ghost Pick Up Lines

1. If I were a ghost, I’d definitely want you as my.

2. Do you have a map? I just got lost in your boo-tiful eyes.

3. I must be a ghost hunter because I’m looking for my boo.

4. Is your name Casper? Because you’re the most friendly and adorable ghost I’ve seen.

5. Do you believe in love at first fright? Because I feel a specter-tacular connection.

6. Are we in a graveyard? Because my heart just came alive.

7. If kisses were poltergeists, I’d send a haunting your way.

8. You must be a poltergeist because you’ve got my heart throwing flips.

9. Did it hurt when you fell from the spirit world? Because you look like an angel.

10. Can I follow you home? My GPS doesn’t work in the afterlife.

11, You must be made of ectoplasm because you’ve just seeped into my heart.

12. Are you a haunted house? Because I’m screaming inside.

13. If we were both ghosts, would you be my boo for eternity?

14. Did you just possess my heart? Because it’s beating just for you.

15. Have you been using your telekinesis on me? I feel irresistibly drawn to you.

16. Are you a ghost? Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.

17. If I were to write a story, it would be about how you’ve haunted my dreams.

18. You must be the reason for global chilling because you’ve got me shivering with feels.

19. I think my heart just ghosted me to be with you.

20. Your smile shines brighter than any will-o’-the-wisp.

21. In a world full of ghouls, I’m glad I found my boo.

22. Are you a ghoul? Because you’ve got my heart eating out of your hands.

23. Is this the underworld? Because seeing you feels like paradise.

24. Do you know any spells? Because you’ve enchanted me.

25. They say love is life after death; guess we’re proving that right.

26. You’re like the ghost of a Christmas present, you make everything feel like a gift.

27. I’d never ghost you; I’d rather haunt you with my love.

28. Do you have a Phantom? Because you just stole my heart.

29. Are you a spirit? Because you’ve lifted my mood to heavenly heights.

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